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Saturday, 22 February 2014

Useful Information Sources

Useful Information Sources

This is just a starting point and only touches on a few useful sources of which there are many more.
Each one may lead to assorted other sources too - take a look and see.

There is an immense amount of information on the Internet relating to all aspects of sundials, their history, types and forms, designs and examples etc. 


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British Sundial Society

The British Sundial Society welcomes applications from persons with an interest in any aspect of sundials.
Benefits of being a member include our quarterly Bulletin with original articles on all aspects of dialling.  Articles range from details of new dials, how dials are made, book reviews, history of sundials, and many other topics.  The editor always welcomes articles from members, so it is your Bulletin.

The Society became a Registered Charity in 1992 (Number: 1032530)
The Society is affiliated to the Royal Astronomical Society.


North American Sundial Society

Annual membership in the North American Sundial Society includes four issues of The Compendium, available in print, CD-R discs, or down-loadable digital editions. Since June 2010, the print edition comes in full color, while the CD-R and digital editions not only come in digital color, but from time to time offer software features and other material of interest to computer users. The Digital Compendium is available on a CD-R via postal mail or by download. It is published in PDF and requires the Adobe Reader® to read. NASS membership and subscription can be made for one or two years.


Infoplease encyclopedia information on sundials.


A site with graphics and images and text explaining what sundials are and describing some of the common types of sundial.


A very comprehensive list of links to sundial related pages on the Internet maintained by Daniel Roth.
This also contains links to books on sundials.


A guide to resources on the history, site planning and design of sundials.
This selected list includes reference sources, and strategies for finding materials at UC Berkeley and on the Internet. 


The Wikipedia reference entry on sundials.


Part of the National Museums Liverpool kids' website discovering why we have seasons and how a sundial works.

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