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Sunday, 9 March 2014

Dials Out and About

Sundials Out and About

[Last updated addition 07/09/14: "Sundial, St Thomas's Square, Salisbury"]
You may be surprised to know just how many sundials are around - including where you live.

Unless you live in the open countryside the chances are that there will be local examples on a house - for example in Salisbury, England,

This photo of Salisbury is courtesy of TripAdvisor

Here is another example, this time on the wall of a shop that can be found quite easily on the wall above a shop window as you wander around the small lanes around the City Centre.

Sundial, St Thomas's Square, Salisbury

On the wall of a church,

On the sundial trail in Oxford [Daily Telegraph]

or perhaps in your town centre.

The Armada dial, Plymouth, England
As previously written they have been about in many forms for thousands of years and today there are a wealth and variety of types in more places than ever from the traditional locations such as on churches and within castles to private houses, gardens and public spaces.

When you are out and about sundials are not always obvious, frequently being mounted on walls at high levels, sometimes 2 or 3 stories above street level, or as what seem to be artistic objects in parks it is not always obvious what they are.

Sometimes they are hidden away in the most unexpected places - you could live near one for years without even knowing that they exist.  This may not be because they are simply too small and insignificant but because of where they are.
An example of this is the one on the roof of the International Village Mall in Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Roof top sundial, Vancouver, BC, Canada
[Google Earth 150314]

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