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Monday, 21 April 2014

Where in the World?

Location Specific Sundials

[Last updated addition 07/09/14: "Sagres, Portugal"]

Paris, France

This link to Shadow Pro a great site dedicated to sundials, shows a large number of sundials located in Paris either publicly or privately.
It shows them by location area so visitors can maximize any opportunity to view them in person.
Church of St. Eustache, 1st District, Paris, France
Source: Shadows Pro

Sagres, Portugal

This link shows a great example of a publicly accessible sundial there for all to enjoy in Sagres in the far South of Portugal displayed on the Waymarking website at www.waymarking.com that provides tools for you to catalog, mark and visit interesting and useful locations around the world.
Sagres, Portugal


This link to a Wikipedia article specifically set up to show Sundials in Switzerland.
There are multiple examples with links provided alphabetically by Canton, the administrative areas of Switzerland.
File:Ammerswil Kirchturm 154.jpg
Ammerswil Kirchturm,
Kanton Aargua, Switzerland
Source: Wikipedia

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